Peru Chirinos

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A note about your order

To ensure you're receiving the freshest coffee possible, we generally push orders placed over the weekend to the following roast week. So if you order on a Friday afternoon, your order may not be sent out until Wednesday. This also includes 5lb bags.

What We Taste:  toasted almond + s'more + layered

Chirinos is a long-standing cooperative in the northern reaches of the Andes within the famed Cajamarca region. They established in 1968 by 36 coffee producers with one goal in common: to improve coffee at a level that exceeds the demand of the international specialty market. Throughout the 80’s, the co-op gained attention for its political efforts to establish “pro-cooperative” legislation in Peru, which would improve socioeconomic conditions in historically overlooked communities. In the decades since, despite the government backsliding on promises, the co-op has thrived due to a collective vision and solidarity.

The Chirinos co-op uses organic compost, and a nutrient-rich fertilizer using a Colombian method called “gaicashi.” This system produces potent compost at a low cost, eliminating the need for pesticides. With careful, supervised management, the terraced plots produce high yield  Bourbon, Catturra, and Typica varieties.

Our Chirinos is layered and clean across all brewing methods. Although the Chirinos is roasted light, it flaunts developed caramelized notes and aromas that conjure a comforting familiarity for dark roast lovers.

Producer: Various (Chirinos Cooperative, Cajamarca Region)

Region: Peru

Process: Washed

Elevation: 1700-2200 MASL

Varietal: Bourbon, Typica, Caturra